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Fad diets have gained popularity in recent years, promising quick and dramatic weight loss results. However, despite their initial appeal, these diets often share certain characteristics that make them difficult to maintain and potentially harmful to our overall health.

Extreme Restriction

Fad diets often promote extreme restrictions on specific food groups or macronutrients, such as carbohydrates or fats. While reducing our intake of certain foods can be beneficial, completely eliminating essential nutrients can lead to imbalances and deficiencies.

2 Quick Fixes

Most fad diets claim to provide rapid weight loss results within a short period. However, these quick fixes are often achieved through unsustainable methods, such as severe calorie restriction or the use of meal replacement shakes. Such practices can lead to muscle loss and a slowed metabolism, making weight regain highly likely once the diet is discontinued.

3 Lack of Individualization

Fad diets rarely consider individual differences in metabolism, body composition, and dietary needs. What may work for one person may not yield the same results for another. Sustainable weight loss requires a personalized approach that considers factors like activity level, medical history, and lifestyle.

4 Promote Unhealthy Relationships with Food

Fad diets often encourage a negative mindset towards food, labeling certain foods as "good" or "bad." This can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and an unhealthy obsession with what we eat. Developing a healthy relationship with food is crucial for long-term success and overall well-being.

Healthy Lunch


Crush The Fad Diets & Get Sustainable Results!


After 30 plus years of coaching in fitness and nutrition Coach Brian Waldo has learned that the fad approaches, although they may yield an initial result, rarely last.  Brian, Tim and the Champion Meal Team have chosen to design the meals and  a menu based on the anytime plate and the post workout plate philosophy from a notable program called Precision Nutrition.


Anytime plate meals are designed to fuel your body with healthy cruciferous vegetables and healthy servings of proteins.  Using our method, these meals can be eaten at anytime and will fill the gaps that most people have in the nutritional choices made each day!


We change up our menu every two weeks to provide a variety of fresh vegetables and proteins.

Post Workout plates designed to provided excellent nutrient timing after being physically active.  For those who have a more sedentary life, over consumption of starches and processed foods or sugars lead to problematic health issues.   With this method, we chose to refuel with starches primarily after activity. This will re-fill the tank (muscle) with the fuel it needs and allow it to store energy correctly.  Therefore,  minimizing your bodies need to store the energy in the wrong places! 


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